
Idioms "Money"

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  • go half/halves / go fifty-fifty
    share the bill
  • keep up with the Joneses
    the pressure to maintain the same lifestyle as neighbours or friends
  • to be knee-high to a grasshopper
    to be very young
  • fifty-fifty
    When people split the costs
  • fall short
    For example, when you are trying to reach a certain goal , but you fail to do so
  • it's six of one and half a dozen of the other
    two equivalent choices
  • to line their own pockets
    to enrich themselves
  • a tidy sum
    a lot of money
  • a drop in the ocean
    something very small (not enough to solve a problem)
  • It's as broad as it's long
    a very difficult problem or task
  • lock , stock and barrel
    to sell entirely