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  • Make a positive sentence. Marilyn...
    Marilyn has to wash the elephants.
  • Make a question: Ziqi...
    Does Ziqi have to look after the hippos?
  • Make a true sentence about all of you.       (go to school on Saturdays.)
    We don't have to go to school on Saturdays.
  • Make a sentence about the picture. Santiago_____
    Santiago doesn't have to make her bed.
  • Make a question. ( you wear a uniform at school? Answer the question about you.
    Do you have to wear a uniform at school? -
  • Make a sentence. Sophie...
    Sophie has to help the vet.
  • Make a question. Selma...  her lessons every day?
    Does Selma have to study her lessons every day?
  • Make a negative sentence about Elsa..... on Thursday afternoons.
    Elsa doesn't have to play football on Thursdays.
  • Make a question. Pol...
    Does Pol have to feed the hamster?
  • Make a positive sentence. We
    We have to listen to the teacher.
  • Make a sentence. Ainhoa...
    Ainhoa has to clean the cage.
  • Make a true sentence about all of you. (English in class)
    We have to speak English in class.
  • Make a true sentence about all of you. We.... to Wellington House on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)M
    We have to come to Wellington House on Tuesdyas and Thursdays.
  • Make a question about Naroa.
    Does Naria have to cook?
  • Make a sentence. You...
    You have to help your mom cook.
  • Make a question. Maia / do the housework?
    Does Maia have to do the housework?
  • Make a negative sentence. Jensel...
    Jensel doesn't have tofeed the dog.
  • Make a sentence. Julia .... early on Sarturdays and Sundays.
    Julia doesn't have to wake up early on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Make a sentence by looking at the photo. Aritz... 
    Aritz has to do his homework.