
Unit 4 Review

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  • Following the law is a civic duty or responsibility?
  • What does the FEC do?
    Enforces campaign finance law
  • What is the difference between a civic duty and a civic responsibility?
    Civic duty - required / civic responsibility - should do it but not required
  • What is the most influential agent of political socialization?
  • What is a platform?
    A collection of beliefs of a political party.
  • Provide three beliefs of liberalism.
    Answers will vary.
  • Does it cost any money to register to vote?
  • What is lobbying?
    When you try to persuade/influence a politician to support or oppose a change in the law.
  • This type of government is characterized by the people having the power.
  • What are the two major differences between PACs and Super PACs?
    PACs are limited in what they can raise, but they are allowed to directly give what they raise to candidates.
  • What is a Super PAC?
    PACs which are not limited in how much money they can raise or contribute
  • What is gerrymandering?
    When you draw the districts in a way that influences the outcome of elections.
  • What is political socialization?
    The way institutions in society come together to influence your political views.
  • Is voting a civic duty or responsibility?
  • Are you required to register as a member of a political party?
  • What is birthright citizenship?
    To be born on American soil grants you automatic citizenship.
  • How is gerrymandering possible?
    In many states, partisan state legislatures draw the districts
  • What is a primary?
    When political parties hold their own elections to determine who runs in a general election.
  • Why are voter-ID laws controversial?
    What counts as an ID and the accessibility of IDs can become contentious.
  • What type of primary does North Carolina have?
  • What type of media bias is it when you use insults instead of actual criticisms?
    Mudslinging or Ad Homenim
  • What type of media bias is it when you intentionally use a specific photo to sway the opinion of your readers?
    Photo Bias
  • How long has America had a two party system?
    Since the beginning or since the 1780s or 90s
  • Provide three beliefs of conservatism.
    Answers will vary.