
6.2 Impact

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  • voiceovers
    on a TV programme, film, or advertisement, the spoken words of a person that you cannot see. Famous actors often provide voice-overs for ads.
  • He was barely able to c___his disgust.
    to prevent something from being seen or known about; / to conceal/
  • Her paintings d___ the lives of ordinary people in the last century
    (accurately) to represent or show sth in a picture or story / to depict sth/
  • ~ in time/place, The game is s___ i__ a fantasy themed world where the...
    about a film or story where the action takes place in a certain time and place /set in
  • Her father's death i____ed greatly on her childhood years.
    to have an effect on sb/sth /- to impact (on) sb/sth/
  • Detectives and adventures usually feature a plot with t___ and t____.
    a complicated situation or plan of action / twists and turns/
  • evocative
    making you remember or imagine sth pleasant e____music; a sound evocative of the sea;
  • to g____ w___ horror and shock.
    to breathe in suddenly, e.g., because you are surprised, shocked, or in pain /to gasp with/
  • Additional characters will be added as the s___ u____
    … to be gradually made known; to gradually make sth known to other people /as the story unfolds/
  • Agatha Christie's classic mystery, with its... r___-d____ c______s
    having rich (beautiful/bright) description of the book character /richly-drawn characters/
  • It was r____ed in this morning's papers that the couple intend to marry.
    to make sth known to sb / to reveal/