
Government Test Review

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  • A national law makes it illegal for new drivers to drive out of state. What would be the job of the Executive Branch in this situation?
    The Executive Branch would have to find ways to enforce the law so citizens understood the rules and consequences of not following it.
  • Name the two main political parties in the United States.
    Republican & Democratic
  • Name the three branches of government and what the responsibility of each is.
    Legislative: Makes laws Executive: Enforces and carries out laws Judicial: Interprets laws and declares if they are constitutional.
  • If a country is at war and there is chaos in the streets with no one in charge, what would you call that?
  • How did compromise provide a temporary solution with the 3/5 Compromise?
    South- Count slaves for population = More representatives. North Disagrees. Decide every 3 of 5 slaves count for population for representation in H. of R.
  • If you go to vote and have to choose a Senator, Governor, and Mayor, what do we call that process?
    Representative Democracy
  • The Representative from the 3rd Congressional District of Wisconsin is ____?
    Ron Kind
  • Which type of government has one leader who has taken power? This ruler can rule as he/she pleases without the consent of the people.
  • Which type of government focuses around all members of a community voting to make laws and decisions?
    Direct Democracy
  • Name the three levels of government in the federal type of government in the United States.
    1. National 2. State 3. Local
  • What were two of the primary reasons colonists in America were upset with the British?
    1. Taxation w/o Representation 2. King- abusing powers 3. The Acts 4. Preventing migration 5. Limiting trade
  • Which type of government is most likely to have power passed down through a family over time?
  • When people in a city vote to determine if the city will pay for and build a new community what do we call that process?
    Direct Democracy
  • How did compromise lead us to have the House of Representatives and the Senate? Be specific!
    NJ Plan- 1 house with 1 vote per state. The Va Plan - 2 houses with representation-> population. The U.S. compromised: H of R- Representative & Senate- 2/state
  • Name the Democratic U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.
    Tammy Baldwin
  • List at least two reasons the Articles of Confederation failed.
    The national government did not have the power to tax or regulate trade. They were unable to enforce the laws. States were not always following national policy.
  • What do you call the type of government we have in the United States?
    Democratic Republic or Representative (Indirect Democracy)
  • Name the Republic U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.
    Ron Johnson
  • What concerns did some Americans have about agreeing to making the Constitution the law of the land? Discuss at least two.
    National government could be too strong. They believed the executive (the president) could become like a king. They felt it may strip rights away from citizens.