
Reproductive System

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  • process of giving birthis called
  • How long does it take for an ova to mature?
    every 28 days
  • When does the embryo become a foetus?
    at 3 months
  • Which of these are male reproductive organs? --- A. prostate gland or B uterus
  • Female sex cells are called
  • The organ that contains the urethra..
  • When does fertilisation happen?
    when a sperm cells joins with an egg
  • A new organ forms inside the uterus..
  • male sex cells are called...
  • sex cells are produced in
    the reproductive system
  • The embryo and the placenta are connected by
    umbilical cord
  • What is puberty?
    stage of life when people reach sexual maturity
  • Embryo and placenta are connected by
    umbilical cord
  • After dividing repeatedly, an....... is formed
  • What are primary sexual characteristics?
    Genital organs we are born with
  • Spermatozoa travels through...
    the sperm ducts then urethra.
  • Sperm ducts connects the _____ to the _____
  • The spermatozoa travels through the uterus into,,,
    fallopian tubes
  • What are secondary sexual characteristics for men.
    Men have a deeper voice, facial and body hair.
  • Steps of fertilisation.
    1. A mature egg cell leaves ovary 2.spermatozia swims towards the egg . 3. sperm cell joins with egg cell 4. zygote is formed 5. embryo develops 6
  • when does fetilisation occur?
    when a sperm cell joins with an ova
  • What are second sexual characteristics for women?
    Develped breasts and wider hips
  • when fertilisation occurs, a new cell forms called...
  • What is lactation?
    A period when the mother´s breast produce milk.
  • An egg cell is released by one of the ...
  • How does fertilisation occur?
    when a sperm cell joins an egg cell
  • Embryo is surrounded by a sac filled with
    amniotic fluid