
Unit 1 Review

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  • I can't stand it when...
  • A bad teacher is someone who...
  • I love it when...
  • It upsets me when...
  • How is someone stingy?
    Someone who doesn't like to share, in special money
  • Where do you link pronunciation? It upsets me when a friend lies to me.
    It-u / when-a / to-me
  • How is someone outgoing?
    Someone who is friendly, extrovert and likes to have many friends
  • How is someone egotistical?
    Someone who has a very high opinion of himself.
  • How is someone easygoing?
    a person who doesn't worry much
  • How is your ideal partner?
  • Where do you link pronunciation? I like it when my friends are there for me when I need it
    like-it / friends-are / when-I / need-it
  • How is someone unreliable?
    Someone who tells your secrets and doesn't do what they promised
  • I'm looking for a friend who...
  • I don't mind it when ....
  • I like people who...
  • How is your ideal friend?
  • I enjoy teachers who...
  • How is your ideal parent?
  • Where do you link pronunciation? I hate it when teachers give a lot of homework.
    Hate-it / give-a / lot-of
  • I don't want to have a roommate who...
  • It makes me happy when...
  • How is someone supportive?
    Someone who always cheer you up and supports you
  • It bothers me when...
  • I don't like to work with people who...
  • I hate it when...
  • I like to work with people who...
  • How is someone temperamental?
    Someone who change of mood easily.
  • I like it when...