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  • Earl Grey is a blend of black tea flavoured with ...
  • Name two SWEET recipes served with tea.
    Muffins, scones, sponge cakes, carrot cakes, chocolate cake, lemon cake
  • What is TEA TIME also known as?
    Afternoon Tea or Five o’clock Tea
  • What time does Tea Time usually take place?
    Around 4:30 and 5:00 pm.
  • What’s the specific tea for Tea Time?
    Earl Grey
  • Where is the food generally served at tea time?
    In a 3 tiered tray
  • Food served with tea is only sweet.            TRUE or FALSE
  • Name 2 sandwiches served with tea.
    Cheddar, cucumber, eggs, smoked salmon and cream cheese
  • What 3 things can you add to the tea?
    Milk, sugar or lemon.
  • What was the Duchess of Bedford’s first name?
    Anna Maria
  • When did this ritual start?
    At the end of 19th century.
  • Food served with tea should be in...... portions.