
Dialann an Lae

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  • Cad é a rinne tú ar maidin?
    what did you do this morning?
  • chuir mé mo chuid éadaigh orm
    I put my clothes on me
  • bhuail an clog
    the clock went
  • Chuaigh mé ar scoil ar an bhus
    I went to school on the bus
  • leath i ndiaidh
    half past
  • scuab mé mo chuid fiacla
    I brushed my teeth
  • chuaigh mé síos staighre
    I went down the stairs
  • ceathrú i ndiaidh
    quarter past
  • d'fhág mé an teach
    I left the house
  • ghlac mé cith
    i took a shower
  • mhuscail mé
    I woke up
  • a seacht a chlog
    seven o'clock
  • Chuaigh mé ar scoil sa charr
    I went to school in the car
  • shiúil mé ar scoil
    I walked to school
  • chuir mé mo chuid éadaigh orm
    I put my clothes on
  • nigh mé mé féin
    I washed myself
  • D'ith mé mo bhricfeasta sa chistin
    I ate my breakfast in the kitchen
  • d'ól mé cupán tae
    I drank a cup of tea
  • D'éirigh mé
    I got up
  • ceathrú go dtí
    quarter to
  • Shiúil mé ar scoil
    I walked to school