
Great Expactations

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  • a pice of material which you put on a table
  • Where was born Charles Dickens?
  • with no power, the opposite of strong
  • Pip was afraid because ...
    he knew there was something frightened behind the door
  • When she said her heart was broken, she meant that ...
    something terrible had hurt her in the past
  • living animal that are not human
  • He wrote his first story ...
    in 1833
  • When Miss Havisham first wrote the dress ...
    she was young
  • a long piece of wood
  • Charles had to go to work in factory at the age ...
  • lose its shape, break into pieces
    fall apart
  • The white had changed their colours because ...
    they were very old
  • Pip couldn't see the shape of the thing on the table because ....
    it was hidden by cobwebs
  • a woman who uses magic powers to hurt people
  • How many did Charles Dickens write classic novels? Name some of them
    15, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield