
French Classroom Phrases

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  • Comment dit-on "Can I go to the washroom" en français?
    Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
  • What does " J'ai de la chance" mean?
    I am lucky.
  • What does " Je porte un pantalon noir. mean?
    I am wearing black pants.
  • What does " Il pleut." mean?
    It is rainning.
  • What does " Je porte un manteau bleu? mean.
    I am wearing a blue jacket.
  • Wha does " J'ai mal au cou' mean?
    I have a neck ache.
  • Comment dit-on " I have a head ache? " en français?
    J'ai mal à la tête.
  • Comment dit'on " I am tired.
    Je suis fatigué.
  • What does "Bonjour tout le monde."  mean?
    Hello everyone.
  • Comment dit-on " I like chocolate.? en français?
    J'aime le chocolat.
  • Comment dit-on " Thank you so much" en français?
    Merci beaucoup.
  • Comment dit-on "Good bye" en français?
    Au revoir.
  • Comment dit-on " I like red"  en français?
    J'aime le rouge,
  • What does " Elle porte un t-shirt rose" mean?
    She is wearing a pink t-shirt.
  • What does "Au revoir" mean?
    Good bye!
  • Comment dit-on "I have a back ache. "
    J'ai mal au dos.
  • What does " J'aime l'eau" mean in English?
    I like water.
  • What does " Je n'aime pas le sport" mean in English?
    I don't like sport.
  • How do you say " 3" in French?
  • Comment dit-on " I am so, so" en français?
    Comme ci comme ça.
  • What does " Level-vous" mean?
    Stand up!
  • What does " Je m'appelle Justin" mean?
    My name is Justin.
  • Comment dit-on " I am here" en français?
    Je suis ici.
  • How do you say " 12 " in French?
  • How do you say "20" in French?