
Linguaskills Part 2 Email

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  • What are some friendly questions you can ask at the start of the email?
    How are you and your family? How are things with you? How was (your holiday)?
  • Where can you find the Linguaskills Writing Assessment Criteria for reference?
    On the Drive, in the Linguaskills Writing Folder
  • How much time do you have for the complete writing test?
    45 minutes
  • What's the minimum word count if you want a B2 or C1 level?
    180 words
  • What are some ways to start an informal email?
    Hi___, Dear___, with first name
  • What are some friendly expressions to finish an informal email?
    All the best / See you soon / Write soon / Keep in touch
  • What are the three elements in the assessment criteria?
    Content, communication, language
  • How do you know what to include in your email?
    Read the task carefully, look for questions to answer.
  • What do exclamation points (!!!) show?
    emotions, in an informal style
  • Give some examples of informal linking words
    anyway, / but / so / plus / also