
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

  • The selected game type is invalid.
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  • They have written three letters already.
    Present Perfect Simple
  • Have/Has + subject + been + Ving . . ?
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • They haven’t lived in Yangon very long
    Present Perfect Simple
  • He has been reading the book for two hours
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • Subject + have/has + past participle
    Present Perfect Simple
  • She has forgotten her folder.
    Present Perfect Simple
  • She has lived here all her life
    Present Perfect Simple
  • I have been writing articles on different topics since morning.
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • I have been working here since I graduated.
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • Have/Has + subject + past participle . . ?
    Present Perfect Simple
  • He has been studying in the library all day.
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • He has been reading the book for two hours
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • Subject + have not/has not + past participle
    Present Perfect Simple
  • They have been playing football for an hour.
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • He has finished his homework.
    Present Perfect Simple
  • Subject + have/has + not + been + Ving
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • I've been staying in a hotel for the last 3 months.
    Present Perfect Continuous
  • We have been to Canada.
    Present Perfect Simple
  • Subject + have/has + been + Ving
    Present Perfect Continuous