
Test Review

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  • How often do you visit this place? Why?
    I visit Ha Long Bay atleast once a year.
  • Where would you recommend visitors to your town or city?
    In my opinion, I would recommend Bana Hills because I think its stunning and breath-taking
  • What place do you like to visit the most? Why?
    E.g: I like Ha Long Bay because its breath-taking and peaceful.
  • Which country would you like to visit? Why?
    I would like to visit ......... because .............
  • Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?
    I prefer to travel in a ............. because .............
  • What things attract tourists to a place?
    In my opinion its stunning scenery and friendly people. Also the culture
  • Which family member do you have the best relationship with?
    My ............ because he/she is ...........
  • In your opinion, what is the best way to lose your weight?
    In my opinion its ....... because ...........
  • Do you enjoy shopping at your local market? Why or why not?
    Yes I do because its cheaper and the people are more friendier.
  • Would you agree to care for a friend’s pet if they asked?
    Yes/No because ..........