
B02 Present continuous questions( YES-NO QUESTIO ...

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  • Yes, she is
    Is she jumping?
  • Yes, she is.
    Is she texting her friend?
  • Is she sleeping?
    No, she isn't.
  • Are they cleaning the room?
    No, they aren't.
  • Yes, he is.
    Is he eating hamburgers?
  • Are they playing tennis?
    No, they aren't.
  • Yes, they are.
    Are they smiling?
  • Yes, he is.
    Is he playing on the computer?
  • Yes, they are.
    Are they washing the car?
  • Are they watching TV?
    No, they aren't.
  • Is she riding a bike?
    No, she isn't.
  • Yes, she is.
    Is she reading a book?
  • Are they playing the guitar?
    No, they aren't.
  • Yes, he is.
    Is he driving a car?
  • Is she listening to music?
    No, she isn't.