
Infection and Response

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  • What 3 things to clinical trials look for in new drugs?
    Toxicity, efficacy and dose
  • How is measles spread?
    Coughs and sneezes
  • Which drug is made from foxgloves?
  • Which pathogen type causes malaria?
  • Where do viruses replicate?
    Inside body cells
  • Which pathogen are not killed by antibiotics?
  • How does the stomach prevent pathogen entry?
    Contains acid that kills pathogens
  • Which tree does aspirin come from?
  • How do antitoxins work?
    Neutralise toxins from bacteria
  • Which pathogen type causes salmonella?
  • What is a main symptom of gonorrhoea?
    Green or yellow discharge
  • What are the 4 types of pathogen?
    Fungus, virus, bacteria, protist
  • How can the spread of malaria be prevented?
    Stop mosquitoes breeding
  • What is phagocytosis?
    White blood cells engulfing pathogens
  • How is HIV spread?
    Sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids
  • Which pathogen type causes gonorrhoea?
  • Which pathogen type causes rose black spot?
  • Who discovered penicillin?
    Alexander Flemming
  • How do bacteria make you ill?
    Produce toxins
  • How do tears prevent pathogen entry?
    Contain antimicrobial chemicals to kill pathogens