
Aftermath of War

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  • What was the name of the company that were looking for landmine clearers?
    Mines Advisory Group
  • Which one of Rith's legs were shattered by the explosion?
  • Who took over the job of fetching water from Rith?
    His younger brother.
  • How old was Rith when he was fitted with a prosthetic leg?
  • What was Rith's job when he was 9 years old?
    He had to walk four miles through the forest to collect water.
  • What kind of animals did Rith's family have?
  • What is the name of the character on pages 4 - 7
  • What is a 'prosthetic limb'
    an artificial leg or arm that replaces a missing one
  • What happened when Rith was 9 years old?
    He had an encounter with a landmine.
  • What type of animal is Rosa?
    She's a dog.
  • What is Rith's best friend according to the commander?
    A Prodder
  • How did Rith walk before he got his prosthetic leg?
    On wooden crutches.