
There is There are

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  • Translate: В йогурте ягоды
    There are berries in the yoghurt.
  • Translate: В воде две рыбки.
    There are two fish in the water.
  • Translate: На столе лежит печенька.
    There is a cookie on the table.
  • Translate: В рюкзаке сидит Покемон
    There is Pokemon in the bag.
  • Translate: На облаке котик.
    There is a cat on the cloud.
  • Translate: Зомби на поросенке.
    There is a zombie on the pig.
  • Translate: Во рту принцессы кофе.
    There is coffee in princes's mouth
  • Translate: На цветке сидит слон.
    There is an elephant on the flower.
  • Translate: Попугай около чашки.
    There is a parrot next to the cup.