
Word Works Review

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  • Give an example of hyperbole.
    Accept any reasonable answer
  • What is the table of contains in a nonfiction book? Where is it found?
    The table of contents is a listing of all the topics covered in the book and the pages they can be found on. It is located in the front of the book
  • Is this a sentence? Everyone was happy.
  • There are comas between flour, eggs why?
    I will need flour, eggs, vanilla and chocolate chips to make my favorite cookies.
  • Give an example of a sentence that would need an exclamation point.
    Accept any reasonable response.
  • The bookstore was closed when we arrived. Is this a sentence?
  • When given a reading passage with questions, how do you begin?
    Preview the questions first.
  • What is hyperbole?
    An intentional exaggerated figure of speech
  • I can be cracked, played; told or made. Find the verbs and answer the riddle.
    The verbs are cracked, played, told, or made. I am a riddle.
  • What is a homonym?
    A homonym is two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings.
  • What is an adjective?
    An adjective is a word which describes a noun or pronoun.
  • What is imagery?
    Using your senses to paint a picture for teh reader.
  • Can you use text features to answer questions which appear at the end?
  • What is a Proper Noun?
    A proper noun names a specific person , place, or thing
  • When do you use PQA?
    PQA can be used whenever you write.
  • Why does the author include a title when writing?
    . The author includes a title on his writing so that the reader knows what he or she is reading abou.t
  • What is an antonym for the word hot?
  • Which sentence has the puncuation mistake?
    All the workers' loaded their tools on the truck? or The captain's busy crew raised the sails in a hurry.
  • Is this a sentence? Blocked off the street.
  • Read the following sentences: identify the homonyms and tell us how each one is used.
    The bark on our oak tree is peeling off. The dog's bark woke us up.
  • Name the five senses.
    sight, touch, taste, smell sound
  • What is an index and where is it found?
    A index is an alphabetical list of names or topics with the number of pages which they are mentioned. It is found in the back of the book.
  • Is this a statement or a question? Please join me in a game.
  • When do we use an exclamation point?
    We use an exclamation point when we want to show a strong feeling or surprise.
  • What is a part os speech is the word huge?
  • Give an example of a Proper Noun.
    Mrs. Warren or any other person, George Ross Elementary School or any other place, Switch
  • Name six pronouns.
    I, he, she, it, we, they, them
  • Can your team give an example of an action verb?
    Accept any word that conveys action.
  • Once you found the answers to the questions attached to your reading passage what should you do?
    Answer the question immediately.
  • What is a pronoun?
    A pronoun takes the place of a noun.
  • Which sentences has a mistake in capitalization?
    We ate at Sluggers with the principal. or Our class sang the national anthem loudly.
  • After previewing the reading passage questions what should you do next?
    Read the passage. Look for the answers as you read.
  • Why is a graphic organizer helpful when writing?
    A graphic organizer helps your thoughts and stay focused on the topic.
  • Give me an example of a text feature
    A picture, photograph, bold word, graph, italic word
  • What is a pronoun??
    A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.
  • Is this a sentence? Teachers handed out papers.
  • What is the definition of imagery?
    Imagery is writing that appeals to the five senses.
  • What is PQA?
    PQA means "Put the question in the answer."
  • What is a metaphor
    A type of figurative language that tells the reader that says one thing is another.
  • Give an example of a metaphor
    accept any reasonable answer
  • When writing, what does indentation mean?
    It means to leave a two-finger space at the start of every paragraph.