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  • What is the best age group to teach? Which is the most problematic?
  • What is the most difficult aspect of your profession? What are the most difficult situations you have faced in your career?
  • What is more motivating: punishment or reward? Why/why not?
  • What are the most effective self-learning methods? What are the most effective teaching methods?
  • How has the Internet changed the way students learn and access knowledge? What are the positive and negative aspects?
  • Have you ever taught kids? How is it different from teaching adults?
  • Do you believe that self-teaching can be effective? In what way?
  • What tricks do you use to maintain discipline in the classroom?
  • In your opinion, is it possible to become fluent in a language through self-teaching? Why/why not?
  • How do you motivate your students? What do you say or do to help them achieve the best results?
  • Do you believe in lifelong learning? Should middle-aged and older adults educate themselves?
  • Why did you become a teacher?
  •  Do you use gadgets such as tablets, smartphones and laptops during your lessons? In what ways?
  • Do any of your students become your friends? Do you keep in touch with them