
Anger Strategies and Effects

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  • List 3 ways your body tries to warn you that you are angry...
    Ex: clenched hands, red face, heart racing, body feeling hot....
  • Name 3 events/situations that trigger your anger
    There is no wrong answer! This is all about you!
  • You are at home and your parents tell you that your cannot have something you want. You should: scream at them while kicking/hitting them or calmly ask them how you can earn the item you asked for.
    Calmly ask them how you can earn the item you asked for.
  • Jack's dad does not show up for his big game. What do you think Jack says to himself when he notices his dad did not show up?
    "It's fine that he didn't show up... He probably doesn't care about me anyways"
  • When you are feeling angry, what is an appropriate reaction? Options: hitting, screaming, taking a break or breaking stuff.
    Taking a break
  • You are the only one in your class that does not know how to read time. Everyday your class makes fun of you because you can't. How would you feel? How would you react?
    There is no wrong answer here!
  • What is frustration tolerance?
    "The ability to withstand obstacles and stressful situations"
  • Sally is the most popular kid in school, but she bullies K-2nd graders. How do you think this will impact Sally in the future?
    When the other kids get older they might start bullying her.
  • If you jump on your bed, is this a strategy or will it get you hurt?
    This might be a strategy that gets you to calm down, but if you are not in control of your body, you might get hurt.
  • When you were angry you lost control of your body and hurt the Vice Principle so badly, that he had to go to the hospital. How would you feel? What would you do? Name three ways the Vice Principle might have felt.
    There are no wrong answers here!
  • What is the best strategy you use to help you calm down?
    There is no right or wrong answer! This is all about you!
  • Is going to the store by yourself a good choice or a poor choice?
    Poor Choice!
  • When you get really angry who is in control of your of your actions?
  • True or False: When you are angry you are always aggressive.
  • You win the lottery... Is buying every single toy and things in the store being responsible or irresponsible?