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  • Which organelles are essential to perform photosynthesis?
  • Seedless plants divide into two groups. What are these two groups?
    Bryophytes and pteridophytes.
  • Plants with seeds receive another name. What is this name?
  • Plants divide into two groups. These two groups are:
    Seedless plants and plants with seeds.
  • What are plants?
    Plants are multicellular organisms, made up of eukaryotic plant cells. They posses autotrophic nutrition and are capable of making tissues.
  • Spermatophytes divide into two groups. What are these groups?
    Gymnosperms and angiosperms.
  • Spermatophytes without fruit are:
  • What plants have large leaves called frons?
  • What are the reproductive organs of angiosperms?
  • What are the reproductive organs of gymnosperms?
  • The flower has an ovary that contains the ovules: What changes after the fertilisation?
    The ovules turn into seeds and the ovary tuns into a fruit.
  • What do female cones contain?
    Ovules, which become seeds when they are fertilised.
  • What are the structural organs of spermatophytes?
    Roots, stem and leaves.
  • Plants without complex vessels, without seeds, without roots, without leaves and without flowers are:
  • Spermatophytes with fruit are:
  • What are the principal functions of the roots?
    To absorb water and minerals through root hairs, to anchor the plant and to stores reserves of nutrients.
  • What plants are the main bryophytes?
  • What type of cells do plants have?
    Eukaryotic plant cells.
  • What plants are the main pteridophytes?
  • What are the reproductive organs of spermatophytes?
    Flowers and cones.
  • What do male cones produce?
  • The main functions of the stem are:
    To transport substances between the roots and the leaves and to support the leaves, flowers and fruit.
  • Can we find tissues in plants?
  • What are the main functions of the leaves?
    To perform photosynthesis and to facilitate gas exchange with the atmosphere.