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  • To Upbring
    To Raise and educate
  • Supersede
    Take place of something
  • Engage in something
    Start doing something
  • Impulsive person
    Reacts quickly without any thoughts
  • Incorporate
    Include something to another thing
  • Making Judgements
    Making decisions on what to do
  • Retain
    Memorize or hold something without forgetting
  • Anticipate
  • Stereotype
    A made up fact about a certain aspect
  • To Maneuver a car
    To move left and right in order to avoid other cars or pass them
  • Proficiency
  • Irrelevant
    Not related to something.
  • Retain
    Keep something and not losing it
  • Cutting edge
    New and late
  • Inadequate
    Not enough or not suitable
  • Controversy
    Debatable topic
  • To Perpetrate a crime
    To commit a crime
  • Fatal injury
    Very Dangerous and can lead to death
  • Stimulates
    Encourages and activates something
  • Recall