
Revision /family and friends2/unit0+1

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  • у кімнаті є велика книжкова шафа.
    there is a big bookcase in the room.
  • Скільки у тебе пальців на руках, я маю 10 пальців
    How many fingers have you got? I have got ten fingers
  • name 5 things from your school bag
    i have got.......
  • У класі є 10 парт і стіл
    there are ten desks and a table in the classroom
  • Name spring and summer months
    march/april/may june/july/august
  • autumn/winter month
    september/october/november december/january/february
  • Вона не має брата, вона має двоюрідного брата
    She hasn't got a brother, she has got a cousin
  • What have you got in your classroom?
    I have got......
  • Where do you live/Where are you from?
    I live in/ I am from....
  • Ask 4 questions (name, age, favorite season, feelings)
    What's your name, how are you/how do you do/how old are you/what's your favorite season
  • ми маємо мячикиб Аліна має ляльку
    we have got balls/alina has got a doll
  • Name 4 body parts that you have 2
    I have got 2 arma, legs, eyes, ears,hands, feet