
Bullying Jeopardy

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  • Give me 4 ways you can respond to bullying or teasing
    1.Ignore/walk away 2.Advocate for yourself 3.Go tell a trusted adult 4.Laugh along
  • Someone tripped you in the hall on accident and didn't apologize. Is this bulling?
    No. This is an accident.
  • What would you do if you were being physically bullied? How would you respond?
    Tell trusted adult immediatley. Tell parent and someone at school. Avoid bully. 
  • What are the harmful effects of kids that bully others?
    They are more likely to abuse drugs, get into fights, be abusive in relationships.
  • What is social bullying?
    Leaving others out, telling others not to talk to someone, embarrassing others, or spreading rumors.
  • What should you do if you are being bullied?
    Tell a trusted adult (a teacher and your parents).
  • What would you do if you are being verbally threatened?
    Tell trusted adult immediately. 
  • Is there a difference between mean teasing and friendly teasing?
    Yes. Friendly teasing may show affection and connection and be playful with those we like being around. Friendly teasing involves a lot of sarcasm.
  • What is a social consequence of you bullying others?
    People may be not want to be around you, or want to sit next to you. They wont want to be friends. They may be scared of you or be uncomfortable near you.
  • What are the harmful effects of kids who are bullied?
    They are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, changes in sleeping and eating patterns and decreased academic achievement, drop out of school. 
  • Your friends want to copy your homework, but you worked very hard on it. How can you self advocate?
    Tell your friends to do their own work. Tell them you can help, but you wont let me them copy. 
  • What is the difference between bullying and teasing?
    Bullying = When someone uses their power to repeatedly control or harm others. Teasing: to attempt or make fun of in a playful way.
  • What is verbal bullying?
    Making fun of someone, threatening, name-calling, or inappropriate comments.
  • Do friends tease each other?
    Sometimes and it's not meant to hurtful.
  • What should you do if you see someone being bullied?
    Always tell a trusted adult when you feel you or anyone else is being bullied.
  • What is physical bullying?
    Physical bullying = hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.
  • James keeps leaving super rude and inappropriate comments on Brian's youtube videos. What type of bullying is this?
    Cyber Bullying
  • What is cyberbullying?
    Hurtful messages, spreading rumors online, leaving mean comments, posting pictures that embarrass others, or making fake accounts for someone.
  • Your friend tells a group not to invite Jack to any parties. What type of bullying is this?
    Social Bullying