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  • What should you do and say?
    Deep breaths, thats okay
  • Show me a calming strategy
    fish breahting
  • Whos this?
  • 2 things that make you mad
    red zone
  • What happens to your face when you are in the red zone?
    Turns red
  • What should you do and say?
    Squeeze Lemons and I need help
  • Whats he doing?
  • Who is your favorite paw patrol
  • What should you do and say?
    Fish breathing, okay maybe later
  • who is this
  • 2 things that make you happy
  • What do you do when you are really mad?
  • What are 2 ways you can calm down if you are upset?
    fish breathing, squeezing lemons
  • How do you act when you are in the red zone?
  • what happens to your muscles when you are in the red zone?
  • what happens to your breathing when you are in the red zone?