
Basic Spanish Quiz 1

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  • What are articulos (articles) modified by in a Spanish sentence?
    The noun
    The adjetive
    The verb
    The preposition
  • Conjugations only apply to what "building block"?
    Adjetivos (Adjetives)
    Sustantivos (Nouns)
    Verbos (Verbs)
    Números ( Numbers)
  • What two " building blocks" must always agree in Spanish?
    sujeto - adjetivo ( subject - adj)
    sujeto - pronombre subject - pronoun)
    sujecto - verbo (subject - verb)
    sujeto - sustantivo ( subject - noun)
  • What is the order of a basic sentence in spanish?
    subject + noun + verb
    noun + verb + subject
    verb + noun + subject
    subject + verb + noun
  • What "building block" modifies the verb conjugations in a sentence?
    El verbo ( the verb)
    El artículo (the article)
    El pronombre de sujeto (subject pronoun)
    El sustantivo (the noun)
  • What are the 3 endings for non-conjugated verbos in Spanish?
    -la -los -el
    -ar -er -ir
    -ed -ar -at
    -me -te -lo
  • Where do prepositions usually go in a Spanish sentence?
    Before the sujeto (subject)
    Before the verbo ( verb)
    Before the artículo ( article)
    Before the sustantivo ( noun)
  • What is the purpose of a conjunction?
    none of the above
    to unite two ideas or clauses in a sentences
    to show time, location & direction
    to specify the subject
  • What characteristics of the noun modify the article?
    Gender and Quantity ( singularity & plurarity)
    Subject & Gender
    Gender & Subject
    Tense & Subject
  • True or false: are all sustantivos (nouns) gendered in Spanish?