
Elements and structure of a short story

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  • This point of view allows the narrative to be told in the perspective of the central character.
    First Person Protagonist.
  • It refers to the series of events that happened in the story.
  • The most exciting part of the story.
  • These characters are unchanging or predictable.
    Static Characters.
  • This element refers to the feeling you get while reading a story.
  • The voice in which a story is told and its relationship to the events in the story.
    Point of view
  • The start or introduction of the story.
  • This is where the reader is introduced to the conflict.
    Rising Action.
  • All the actions that occur after the climax and before the conclusion of the story.
    Falling Action.
  • The conclusion of the plot.
  • This point of view reveals the internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations of all the characters in the story.
    Third Person Omniscient.
  • A person, or sometimes an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work.
  • It is the central idea, message, or purpose in a short story.
  • These characters change as the story unfolds.
    Dynamic Characters.
  • This element refers to the problems and tensions occurring in the story.
  • It is the time and place that a story occurs.