
past continuous

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  • Everyone has to tell me an example using past continuous
  • ¿Donde estuviste estudiando Frances?
    Where were you studying french?
  • Yo estuve prestando mis herramientas a mis compañeros de trabajo
    I was lending my tools to my coworkers
  • Tell me the possesive pronouns
    my, your, his , her, its , our, their
  • How can we say, arbol , pared, martillo, techo
    tree, wall, butcher, hammer, ceiling
  • Dime los pronombres personales.
    I, You, He, She, It , We , They
  • She was giving her money
    Ella estaba dando su dinero
  • ¿Estuviste vinendo a la tienda todos los dias?
    ¿were you comming to the school everyday?
  • He estuvo enviandole mensajes a su ex en Instagram ayer en la noche
    She was sending messages to her ex on Instagram last night
  • Ricardo no estuvo comprando comida rapida en aquella tienda
    Ricardo wasn't buying fast food in that store
  • ¿Ella estuvieron haciendo un pastel de chocolate con nosotros?
    Were they making a chocolate cake with us?
  • Poala estaba perdiendo sus anillos.
    Poala was losing her rings.
  • Juan estuvo llendo a la iglesia con su esposa, ellos son muy catolicos.
    Juan was going to the church with her wife, they are very religious
  • ¿Los niños estuvieron leyendo un cuento de fantasia?
    ¿ Were the children reading a fantasy tale?
  • Los abuelos no estuvieron leyendo el periodico.
    The grandparents weren't reading the newspaper
  • Ellos no estuvieron haciendo su tarea de matematicas.
    They weren't doing their homework math
  • tell me 5 colors
    Black, red, white, purple, orange, green
  • Alan no estuvo bebiendo agua en la fiesta, el estaba bebiendo vodka y cerveza con nosotros
    Alan wasn't drinking water in the party, he was drinking vodka and beer with us