
C1 Use of English

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  • Since records began in the early 1970’s, childhood _________ (OBESE) has more than tripled in the USA
    OBESITY (noun from obese)
  • CREATE is the verb, what's the NOUN, ADJECTIVE and ADVERB
    creativity / creation, creative, creatively
  • TRUE is the root word, what's the NOUN, ADJECTIVE and ADVERB
    truth, truthful, truthfully
  • Phrasal verb for defend / protect ______ UP _______
    stand up for
  • EXPECT is the verb, what's the NOUN, ADJECTIVE and ADVERB
    expectation, (un)expected, (un)expectedly
  • A ___ (WILL) to adapt quickly is an important requirement for this job.
  • Phrasal verb for perform a task or experiment _____ OUT
    carry out
  • The rate of ____ (GLOBAL) has increased in recent years, a result of rapid advancements in communication and transportation.
  • Phrasal verb for "tolerate" ____ UP _____
    put up with
  • Phrasal verb for manage with little money GET ____
    get by