
Types of Natural vegetations

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  • What vegetation grow in low temperature and heavy rainfall?
    temperature coniferous forest.
  • What types of vegetation is it?
    Temperate coniferous forest
  • What are examples of trees grown in tropical grassland?
    Baobab and Acacia
  • What types of vegetation is it?
    Temperate deciduous forest
  • How do we call a tall giant tree growing about canopy layer.
  • What vegetation likely to grow in very high temperature and very low rainfall.
    hot desert vegetation
  • What is the main form of plants in tropical grassland?
  • What vegetation likely to grow in high temperature and rainfall.
    tropical rainforest
  • Which vegetation is the nearest to the equator?
    tropical rainforest
  • How many types of natural vegetation are there?
  • What are examples of trees grown in southeast Asian rainforests?
    Seraya and Meranti
  • Mention 2 trees found in the temperate coniferous forest.
    spruce, pine and fir
  • Mention 2 trees commonly found in deciduous forest.
    oak , beech and maple
  • What vegetation grow in heavy rainfall with moderate temperature?
    temperate deciduous forest.
  • The trees that do not shed the leave over the same period of time is called....
  • Why are baobab trees trunk are shape like barrel?
    because they store water inside.
  • Which tree have barrel shape tree trunk?
  • 7 types of natural vegetation can be classified into .................... main groups.
  • How do plants grow in sparse vegetation? grow very close or far apart?
    far apart
  • Big giant trees in the rainforest have .................... roots.
  • What type of vegetation is likely to grow in very cold temperature and very low rainfall?
    Cold desert vegetation
  • A thick continuous leave cover in the rainforest is called.........................
  • What type of vegetation will grow in moderate rainfall and temperature?
    temperate grassland
  • Why do plants in desert vegetation have long roots?
    to obtain underground water.
  • Trees shed the leave over the same period of time is called................
  • What main form of plants grown in cold desert vegetation?
    mosses and lichens
  • What types of vegetation is it?
    Hot desert vegetation