
Newton's 3 Laws

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  • What is acceleration measured in?
    meters per second squared. m/s2
  • When a soccer ball is kicked. What would we say of the force?
    it is unbalanced
  • What is the mass of a falling rock if it produces a force of 147 N?Acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/s2
  • What is newton's first law?
    An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
  • What is Newton's 2nd law?
    Force = Mass x Acceleration
  • a bird with a mass of .3kg dived bombed with an acceleration of 6m/s2. What force did it hit the worm with?
  • What is force measured in?
  • Sir Isaac Newton was known for what accomplishment?
    Newton's 3 laws and the discovery of gravity.
  • What net force is required to accelerate a car at a rate of 2 m/s2 if the car has a mass of 3,000 kg?
    6,000 N
  • An apple fell fro a tree at the rate of 2 m/s2 and hit my head with the force of 3N. What is the mass of the apple?
  • What is the acceleration of softball if it has a mass of 0.5 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of 25 N?
    50 m/s2
  • How does the law of inertia effect the passengers on a train that is suddenly slowing down?
    They are abruptly pushed forward as their body wants to continue at the same speed as the train was traveling.
  • When two teams are playing tug of war and neither team wins. What is said of the forces?
    They are balanced
  • Engineers at the Johnson Space Center must determine the net force needed for a rocket to achieve an acceleration of 70 m/s2 . If the mass of the rocket is 45,000 kg, how much net force must the rocket develop?
    3,150,000 N
  • What is inertia?
    An objects resistance to a change in motion.
  • . A10 kg bowling ball would require what force to accelerate down an alleyway at a rate of 3 m/s2?
  • what are the two forces that stop an object in motion?
    Gravity, friction
  • You were so hungry the you stabbed a meatball with a mass of .5 kg at the acceleration rate of 4 m/s2, What is the Force you used to fork that meatball.
  • In outer space how long would a satellite orbit the earth?
  • A sled traveling at 3 m/s2 with a mass of 4kg will hit the wall with how much force?
  • There was a huge hog that was walking at the rate of .5m/s2. It's mass is 2000 kg how much force was needed to get it moving?
  • A car ran into a wall with the force of 180,000 N and has a mass 3000 Kg what was the acceleration rate of the car?
  • What is mass measured in?
    kg, kilograms
  • Engineers at the Johnson Space Center must determine the net force needed for a rocket to achieve an acceleration of 70 m/s2 . If the mass of the rocket is 45,000 kg, how much net force must the rocket develop?
    3,150,000 N
  • How do we describe force?
    A push or a pull