
Grains - Foods and Nutrition

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  • What purpose does the husk of a whole grain serve? (name 3)
    Protection from sunlight, water, disease, and pests
  • The key to eating for good health is
    Balance and variety
  • The arrow is pointing to what part of the kernel of grain?
  • Helps prevent harmful chemical reactions caused by oxidation in our cells.
  • Add back the nutrients that were lost in processing. Add back the B vitamins and iron.
  • What are the two micornutrients?
    Vitamins and minerals
  • The sugar found in carbohydrates that provides us with energy?
  • When looking at a food label, what three things do you want it to be high in?
    Vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.
  • What are the three Macronutrients?
    Carbs, proteins and fats
  • What are the three primary factors that affect our calorie intake?
    Age, gender and physical activity
  • If you want a good source of grains what words should you see on the ingredient list?
    Made with 100% whole grains.
  • How many servings of your total grain intake should be whole grains?
    one half
  • Measure of energy in your food
  • The arrow is pointing to what part of the kernel of grain?
  • Foods that are high in nutritional values and low in calories?
    Nutrient Dense Foods
  • What are the two types of carbohydrates?
    Simple and Complex
  • FIVE food groups from ChooseMyPlate
    Grains, fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy
  • Name two health benefits of whole grains.
    Reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and type 2 diabetes, supports healthy digestion and weight management
  • Add nutrients that were not originally in the food product
  • Foods that are low in nutritional values and high in calories?
    Empty calories
  • Compounds found in plants that protect them from disease, that could also protect us from disease.
  • SIX essential nutrients?
    Carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water
  • Nutrients needed in larger amounts.
  • When looking at a food label, what three things do you want it to be low in?
    Sodium, added sugar and saturated fat.
  • Nutrients needed in relatively small amounts.
  • The arrow is pointing to what part of the kernel of grain?