
Counseling Review

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  • Name a feeling in the Blue Zone
    sad, tired, hungry
  • Give an example of a positive affirmation. How is this helpful?
    answers will vary
  • What is empathy? Why is it important in friendships?
    Feeling and understanding how others feel.
  • Name a mindful activity from Mindful Mondays or 12 Days of Mindfulness.
    Deep breathing, yoga, grounding, affirmations
  • What is the format of an I-message?
    I feel __________ when you__________.
  • Name 1 coping strategy
    answers will vary
  • List 3 ways you can respond to conflict / problems
    Ignore, Walk Away, I-message, Compromise
  • "Before you speak, Think and Be Smart, Its Hard to _______ a wrinkled _____"
    "It's Hard to Heal a Wrinkled Heart"
  • What is the difference between Bullying and Normal Peer Conflict?
    Power imbalance, repeated, intentional
  • If someone is mad because they had a bad night at home, what is an empathetic response?
    "I see you're upset, I'm here if you want to talk about it."
  • In September, what was the message of "Start with Hello Week?"
    Say hi to start a friendly conversation. Include others.
  • If someone is crying because their pet died, what is an empathetic response?
    "I'm sorry your pet died, that must be hard.'
  • Explain why it's important to "stand in someone else's shoes?"
    to understand how others are feeling and their perspective
  • What is assertive communication?
    Communicating in a calm, confident way
  • What is self esteem?
    loving yourself
  • Explain what happens in your brain when you "flip your lid"
    Show hand model (thinking part- prefrontal cortex vs feeling part- amygdala)
  • What does it mean to compromise when you are resolving conflict?
    Win/ Win, Meet in the middle
  • What is diversity and why does it make our world a better place?
    Everyone is unique and our differences make the world special.
  • Name the 3 types of communication.
    Aggressive, Assertive, Passive