
Present simple + -

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  • Make this sentence negative: Sassari is very big.
    Sassari isn't very big.
  • Giulia .......... (study) maths every day!
  • Make this sentence negative: Ludovica plays Nintendo in her bedroom.
    Ludovica doesn't play Nintendo in her bedroom.
  • Make this sentence negative: My friends live in Alghero.
    My friends don't live in Alghero.
  • Make this sentence negative: We watch TV in the living room.
    We don't watch TV in the living room.
  • Mattia .......... (do) his homework on the bus.
  • I .......... (love) English. It's my favourite subject!
  • Ludovica .......... (not watch) Netflix at night.
    doesn't watch
  • Make this sentence negative: Catriona like cheese.
    Catriona doesn't like cheese.
  • Make this sentence negative: Elisa swims in the sea in the summer.
    Elisa doesn't swim in the sea in the summer.
  • Anna .......... (go) to school by car because she .......... (not like) walking!
    goes / doesn't like
  • I .......... (not listen) to music in the car.
    don't listen
  • Sofia ........ (not write) messages to her friends in class.
    doesn't write
  • Make this sentence negative: We start the lesson at 16.30
    We don't start the lesson at 16.30
  • Make this sentence negative: Elisabetta gets dressed in the car.
    Elisabetta doesn't get dressed in the car.
  • Make this sentence negative: Eleonora drinks Coca Cola with milk for breakfast.
    Eleonora doesn't drink Coca Cola with milk for breakfast.
  • My brother .......... (be) 12 years old.
  • Gabriele .......... (play) video games in the afternoon.
  • James .......... (not live) in Sassari, he .......... (live) in Olbia!
    doesn't live / lives
  • My friends .......... (have) lunch at school, but they .......... (not have) dinner at school!
    have / don't have
  • Peter .......... (have) a shower in the morning.
  • Make this sentence negative: I get up at 9.00
    I don't get up at 9.00
  • Martina .......... (not go) shopping at the weekend.
    doesn't go
  • Giacomo .......... (not eat) pizza, he .......... (eat) pasta.
    doesn't eat / eats