
Respiratory System Review

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  • Why is the left lung slightly smaller than the right lung
    To make space for the heart
  • Why is your respiratory system necessary for your body to live
    Our body cells need oxygem and must get rid of carbon dioxide. The body will not survive if the brain does not recieve oxygen.
  • What is the most interesting facts that you learned about the respiratory system
    Team with most facts wins
  • What is another word for the windpipe
  • What gas is exhaled
    Carbon Dioxide
  • What is the airway called that the trachea divides into
  • How can you keep your respiratory system healthy
    Don't smoke or inhale substances, excercise
  • What part of airways is only as thin as a piece of hair
  • Why are cilia important
    cilia line the airway tubes and they remove dirt and mucus so they don't clog the lungs
  • What gas is inhaled
  • Does the diaphragm contract or relax when we inhale
  • What are the air sacs in the lungs called