
Science Unit 1 pt. 1

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  • If you want to measure the pull of a force, such as the force of gravity, you would use a tool called a ___________.
    spring scale
  • When people ask questions, make observations, and use other methods to gather data to answer a question, they are doing an _______________.
    investigation or experiment
  • What is one example of a model?
    a drawing, a computer animation, a smaller or larger version of the object
  • What do we call a model that is flat (only has length and width)?
    a two-dimensional model
  • When people collect information by using their five senses, they make an __________.
  • If you see the sky is dark and the wind is blowing and you decide a storm is coming. What science skill are you using?
    you are making an inference
  • What should you do if the evidence in an investigation does not support your original hypothesis?
    Use your evidence to form a new hypothesis
  • If you want to measure temperature, you would use a tool called a _______________.
  • Why do scientists use models?
    Because they are studying something that is difficult to study. It may be too big, too small, or too far away to study so a model helps them learn about it.
  • What is one way you can test a hypothesis?
    conduct an investigation or an experiment
  • What do scientists do to research a subject?
    read a book, look for information on the internet, communicate with other scientists, etc.
  • What tool makes very small objects look bigger?
    a microscope
  • What is one tool you could use to measure length?
    ruler, tape measure, yard stick, etc.
  • What do we call a model that has length, width, and height (like a box)?
    a three-dimensional model
  • A tool used to measure the mass of an object is a _________.
    pan balance or a spring scale
  • Someone who makes a statement that explains an observation is making an ____________.
  • What tool would you use to look at the stars?