
Review Nurul Fikri Training

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  • This, that, these, or those?
    This is a marker.
  • There are 3 activities in teaching stages. What are they?
    Opening, Main, and Closing
  • This, that, these, or those?
    That is an eraser.
  • What is TPR stands for?
    Total Physical Response
  • Q: ..... A: Just go straight up there. The restroom will be on your left.
    Where is the restroom?
  • What is it? It is .... university.
    A university.
  • What is classroom language?
    The routine language that is used on a regular basis in a classroom, etc.
  • This, that, these, or those?
    Those are scissors. / That is a pair of scissors.
  • Q: ..... A: i am so happy because I got a big bonus from my office.
    Why are you so happy?
  • This, that, these, or those?
    These are glasses./ This is a pair of glassess.
  • What classroom language do we use for checking attendance?
    I'll take the register, who is absent?, I'll call your names, etc
  • What is this?
    This is a calf.
  • What's the instruction for this picture?
    About face!
  • What classroom language do we use for greeting our students?
    Good morning, how are you, are you ready?
  • Q: ....... A: You can stay healthy by exercising and by getting enough sleep.
    How can I stay healthy?
  • What is this?
    A handle
  • What's the matter with him?
    He has got a toothache.
  • I need .... hour to finish this task.
    An hour
  • Sing your favourite English song :)
    Bonus question
  • Q: ... A: They're mine.
    Whose jeans/trousers are these?
  • What's the instruction for this picture?
    Salute to the teacher, halt!
  • What is your suggestion for a person who is starting to learn English?
    Good answers
  • What is this?
    A spout.
  • Q: ....... A: We should meet at 11 o'clock.
    When should we meet?
  • What's the matter with her?
    She has got a stomach-ache.