
Unit 3 Science Review

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  • What is the function of a cell's nucleus?
  • No matter what kind of change (physical or chemical), the total weight of the substances is _____________.
  • A plant is a producer because it makes it's own food through _______________.
  • Mixture or Solution? Has a solute and solvent
  • What is an example of a chemical reaction?
    Answers will vary
  • Water can exist in what forms?
    Solid, Liquid, & Gas
  • What are 3 of the 7 characteristics of all living things?
    Answers will vary
  • True or False: Atoms can be seen without a microscope
  • True or False: Atoms are in solids, liquids and gases
  • What is an example of a mixture?
    Answers will vary
  • Name one difference between a plant and animal cell.
    Answers will vary
  • Matter takes up ______________ and has _________
  • Which gas do plants take IN during photosynthesis?
    Carbon Dioxide
  • What is the function of the Golgi Body?
    Packages and delivers proteins to the cell
  • Why do plant cells need Chloroplast?
    To create energy through photosynthesis
  • What is one physical change that is caused by cooling?
    Freezing or Deposition
  • Mixture or Solution? Has a solute and solvent
  • True or False: When a material changes from one state to another, the amount of material increases.
    False- it stays the same
  • What are 3 properties of matter?
    color, texture, magnetic forces, solubility, particle size, shape
  • Mixture or Solution? two or more materials that are mixed and do not form a new material
  • What is an example of a solution?
    Answers will vary
  • What is Ms. Clewer's favorite food?
    Nachos, Tacos, or sushi!
  • Why does a plant cell have a cell wall and a cell membrane?
    Answers will vary
  • What is one physical change that is caused by heating?
    Melting, Sublimation, or Evaporating