
U13G4: would you like some milk?

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  • Likes/ to/ She/ chicken/ eat
    She likes to eat chicken
  • Water
  • Do you like fish?
    Yes i do/ No i don't
  • lemonade
  • What’s your favorite food?
    My favorite food is fish
  • Khát
  • Would/some/you/like/lemonade/?
    Would you like some lemonade?
  • Đói
  • Chicken
  • Noodles
  • tea
  • Rice
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • like/ eating/ I/ pork
    I like eating pork
  • Milk/ my/ is/ drink/ fovourite/
    Milk is my favourite drink.
  • leaf
  • What's your favourite food?
    My favourite food is...........
  • mineral water
  • vegetables
  • like/ you/ Would/ some/ like/ vegetables?
    Would you like some vegetables?
  • hamburger
  • Drink
  • eats/ Mary/ for/ breakfast/ some/ bread
    Mary eats some bread for breakfast
  • Pork
  • Food
  • Bread
  • I/like/ to/ water/ 'd/ drink
    i'd like to drink water
  • Would you like…………………….(eat/ to eat/ eating) some cakes?
    to eat
  • Bạn thích loại nước ép trái cây nào?
    What kind of fruit juice do you like?
  • He/ like/ would/ beef/the
    He would like the beef
  • The/ juice/ is / orange/ sweet.
    The orange juice is sweet
  • Beef
  • Orange juice
  • love/ noodles/ I
    I love noodles
  • coffee