
2023 Mya: Regular present tense verbs in Spanis ...

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  • lavar
    to wash
  • Necesitar
    To need
  • cantar
    to sing
  • caminar
    to walk
  • beber
    to drink
  • Practicar
    To practice
  • abrir
    to open
  • Bailar
    To dance
  • dibujar
    to draw
  • escuchar
    to listen
  • vivir
    to live
  • bailar
    to dance
  • Trabajar
    To work
  • Usar
    To use
  • Hablar
    To speak
  • Estudiar
    To study
  • romper
    to break
  • comer
    to eat
  • ayudar
    to help
  • escribir
    to write