
Repair your English II

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  • I recommend you to disconnect.
    I recommend that you disconnect / I recommend disconnecting
  • That questions were irrelevant
    Those questions were irrelevant.
  • I hope you to have a good time.
    I hope (that) you have a good time.
  • I suggest that you take breaks.
    I suggest that you take breaks / I suggest taking breaks.
  • They can do exercise. As well as they can enter a professional team later.
    They can do exercise, as well as entering a professional team later.
  • In addition to be with with more people....
    In addition to beING with more people...
  • For the one hand....For the other hand....
    On the one hand....On the other hand....
  • What a bad luck you had!
    What bad luck you had! / How unlucky you were!
  • I can say you some tips to improve your productivity.
    I can TELL you some tips to improve your productivity.
  • We used to pass almost all the day sleeping.
    We used to spend almost all the day sleeping.