
Passive voice

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  • True or False: In the active voice, the subject of a sentence is active: it does something.
  • Make an active voice from this sentence :A product was designed by three teenagers.
    Three teenagers designed this product.
  • Make an adverb: absolute / comfortable / easy
    absolutely / comfortably / easily
  • Is this sentence in present / past/ future passive form: The radio wasn´t invented in the 19th century.
    Past simple passive
  • Is this sentence in present / past/ future passive form: I hope cure will be discovered soon.
    Future passive
  • True or False: We use the passive when we don’t know who does the action, or if the action is more important than the person who does it.
  • We form the present simple passive using the present tense of ____ + past participle of the verb
    verb be
  • Is it an adverb: fast / quite / safe/ well
    yes/ yes/ no / yes
  • True or False: In the passive voice, the subject is active: It is doing something
  • Make passive voice from this sentence: Scientists build rockets.
    Rockets are built by scientists.
  • We form the future passive using ______+ be+ past participle of the verb
  • Is this sentence in present / past/ future passive form: New gadgets are invented every year.
    Present simple passive
  • We form the past simple passive using the past tense of be + ______
    past participle of the verb