
Dare to

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  • He / dare to / kiss her on her cheek. ( Present Simple)
    He dares to kiss her on her cheek.
  • He/ dare to/ kick her out? ( Past Simple)
    Did he dare to kick her out?
  • He/ dare not to/ get on the airplane. ( Future Simple)
    He won't dare to get on the airplane.
  • we / not dare to / laugh (Past Simple)
    We didn't dare to laugh.
  • They/ dare to/ make fun of me. ( Present Perfect)
    They have dared to make fun of me.
  • You/ dare not to/ tell the him truth. (Present Perfect)
    You haven't dared to tell him the truth.
  • you/ dare to/ say no? (Future Simple)
    Will you dare to say no?
  • He/ dare not / express his feelings. (Present Simple)
    He doesn't dare to express his feelings.
  • you/ dare to/ ask her / how old she is? (Present Simple)
    Do you dare to ask her how old she is?
  • I / barely / dare to / bungee jump off the bridge. ( Past Simple)
    I barely dared to bungee jump off the bridge.
  • dare not / say / it was her fault. (Present Simple)
    Don't dare to say it was her fault.