
Academic Standards Quiz

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  • When should the teacher be connected prior to the start of their zoom lesson?
    15 minutes
  • How many academic hours are devoted to checking homework in the lesson?
  • What do you do first when a new student comes to your group?
    conduct an icebreaker and add the name of the student to the register after lesson
  • When does a teacher contact parents?
    If a student has issues with their behaviour or progress
  • Who would you inform if you got ill?
    Senior Administrator
  • Name the 3 Components of education quality at Language Link
    Communication , Professional Teacher, Successful Lesson
  • How many project presentations are there in an academic year?
  • How many progress tests are there during the academic year?
  • How much extra time is allowed to a student for a missed academic hour?
    5 Minutes
  • What Books are used for 9-12 y.o. students?
    Your Space
  • How many workshops are there in a month?
  • How long does a general course last?
    9 months
  • How much time is allocated for a break for a 3 academic hour lesson? (with that time added on to the end of the lesson)
    5 Minutes
  • What do you put on the lesson focus part of the register?
    Date/academic hours/pages/unit of the lesson/lesson focuses/homework
  • Who can you seek support from while planning lessons for external observation?
    Academic Manager
  • What are the benefits of project based learning?
    to boost creativity, foster collaboration, develop research and presentation skills
  • What should a teacher do in case of an emergency and they have to leave their teaching position?
    Contact an administrator or senior administrator?
  • When is the first time a teacher meets a client?
    At a placement test
  • What do you complete in the last month of the academic year?
    Register/Test register/Students’ Placement Recommendation form/The sign-off sheet
  • What time does the latest lesson finish at LL office?
  • Who can conduct a workshop?
    DOS, ADOS, Language Link Teacher
  • When do you write a full lesson plan?
    Before the first lesson, notified observation and tutorials
  • What document contains information on student's academic performance and behaviour?
    student diary
  • In what case may you refuse to have your lesson observed?
    You have a test or less than 3 students.
  • Which of these documents do you fill in after each lesson?