
Asia & America Review

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  • Name the 3 parts of America.
    North America, Central America, South America
  • Name 4 countries from Asia
    China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, etc...
  • Which oceans border America?
    The Artic, the Pacific, The Antarctic
  • What continent does Belize belong to?
  • What is the biggest continent?
  • What is the largest mountain range?
    The Andes (In America)
  • Which continent does Indonesia belong to?
  • What are the two most populated countries in bamboozle?
    India and China
  • What is the biggest mountain in the world? and Highest peak?
    The Himalayas. (the Highest peak is mount everest)
  • Name 3 countries in North America
    The USA, Canada, Mexico
  • What is the second biggest continent?
  • What are the 6 continents?
    America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica
  • Name one country from central america
    Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama etc..
  • What is the widest river in the world?
    The Amazon
  • What continent does Canada belong to?
  • Name 5 countries from South America
    Colombia, Ecaudor, Peru, Chile, Brazil etc.