
The Agricultural revolution

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  • What did Charles Townsend introduce in England?
    Crop rotation
  • What was the consequence of the introduction of machinery on the farms?
    People lost their jobs on the farm and migrated to the cities
  • How was the system of fencing the farms called?
  • Name one result of enclosure
    Small farmers sold their land to rich landowners
  • Was the method used in the Middle Ages effective? Why/ Why not?
    No, because crops failed, land was left fallow
  • How is the land left uncultivated called?
    Fallow land
  • What was the result of the use of clover and beet?
    The replenished the nutrients of the soil, no need of fallow land, more food
  • What did Jethro Tull invent to plant seeds?
    The seed drill
  • What was the name of the system of cultivation before enclosure called?
    Open field system
  • Which crops were used to replenish the land?
    Clover, beet, turnip
  • Why was there more production of food?
    New technology improved the agriculture production
  • Was the any relation between more food and livestock (farm animals)?
    Yes, due to more food to feed the animals, there was no need to kill them in winter