
Introductory Questions - 2nd year of high school

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  • What is your favorite game or sport?
    My favorite is ___________.
  • Do you prefer Tiktok or Instagram? Why?
    I prefer ______ because ______.
  • What is the best gift you have been given?
    I think the best one was ___________.
  • What is one thing you will never do again?
    I guess I'll never _________ again.
  • What is your favorite thing about school?
    My favorite thing is________.
  • What really makes you angry?
    What makes me angry is________.
  • Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school and why?
    My favorite teacher was _______ because _________.
  • Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
    Yes. My nickname is/was ___________. / No, never.
  • Are you a clean or messy person?
    I'm a clean/messy person because __________.
  • What makes you laugh the most?
    I believe it is _____________.
  • What is your favorite book?
    I guess my favorite is________.
  • Do you collect anything? What?
    Yes, I collect _______. No, I don't have any collections.
  • What's your favorite type of food?
    My favorite type of food is _________.
  • What was the last movie you watched? What did you think?
    The last movie I watched was ______. In my opinion, _______.
  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
    I'd live in ______.
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
    I would _____________.