
Club Monster

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  • How did the ice cream make the monsters feel?
    happy and cool
  • What club would you like to join?
  • What happens when the monsters make scary faces?
    They scare themselves.
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • What happens when the monsters join the travel club?
    Uzzle gets lost and Bonk gets seasick.
  • What happens when the monsters join the garden club.
    Snag sneezes and Lurk steps on the flowers.
  • Make a scary face.
  • The monsters made their own club because...
    the others cost too much.
    there were no clubs.
    they didn't like the other clubs.
    they got kicked out of the others.
  • What season of the year was it in the story?
  • How do the monsters feel when they sit in the sun?
  • What do the monsters use to build their clubhouse?
    A cardboard box