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  • The Alamo is in this region
    Southwest Region
  • The Seattle Space Needle is found in this region
    West Region
  • What region would you find this bridge?
    West Region
  • New York City can be found in this region
    Northeast Region
  • What region would you find the Liberty Bell?
    Northeast Region
  • These Two regions border Mexico
    Southwest and West Regions
  • These 3 regions border Canada
    Northeast, Midwest, West Regions
  • Cotton is a major crop found in this region
    Southeast Region
  • Most of the Great Lakes can be found in this region
    Midwest Region
  • This state is in what region?
    Southeast Region
  • The St. Louis Arch is in this region
    Midwest Region
  • Corn is a major crop of this region
    Midwest Region
  • What region would you find this landmark in?
    Northeast Region
  • Oil production is an important part of this region
    Southwest Region
  • The Pacific Ocean can be found in this region
    West Region
  • What region would you find the Grand Canyon in?
    Southwest Region
  • North and South Carolina are found in this region
    Southeast Region
  • What region would you find this landmark in?
    Midwest Region
  • Vermont is in this Region
    Northeast Region
  • This region is known for its warm dry climate
    Southwest Region
  • The New England states are part of this region
    Northeast Region
  • Nashville Tennessee is known for their music and is a part of this region
    Southeast Region
  • Yellowstone national park is in this region
    West Region